Osmos 66%-off sale continues, adding iPad, and… a condition!

Posted by on Oct 6, 2010 in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Thank you Osmos fans. The 66% off sale returned Osmos for iPhone to the top 10 list. And of course, we’d like to keep it there! :)

Pricing on the App Store is a regularly debated topic. Many people say to us “If you can charge 1/3 the price and sell ten times the copies, why wouldn’t you?” And our answer is typically “It doesn’t usually work like that.” True, the 99 cent apps dominate the top lists, and those apps are doing great — but for apps that aren’t on the charts, the 99 cent pricing model is unsustainable. So we said to ourselves: if keeping the price at 99 cents can keep Osmos on the charts, it sure would be nice to do it! But how can we know in advance…?

The answer: we don’t have to. Here’s what we’re going to do:

  • Osmos will remain at 66% off (99 cents in North America) as long as it remains in the top 25 Apps. For simplicity, we’ll use the US store as our barometer, as it’s by far the largest.
  • In parallel, we’re reducing the price of Osmos for iPad by 60% ($1.99 in North America) for the week starting Thursday October 7th, in the hopes that it too will return to the top 25 list. If it does, we’ll continue that sale indefinitely too.

We’d be happy to keep these sales going forever of course, as we’re really proud of Osmos, and are delighted to put the game into as many hands as possible. Fingers crossed! :)

The Hemi Team


  1. DevLinks: Gather ‘Round the Campfire « DIYgamer
    October 12, 2010

    […] Hemisphere Games — Osmos 66%-off sale continues, adding iPad, and… a condition! “Thank you Osmos fans. The 66% off sale returned Osmos for iPhone to the top 10 list. And of course, we’d like to keep it there!” […]

  2. Pete Clark
    December 13, 2010

    I see that osmos for ipad is back in the top 20 – #11 actually, at the moment. Will it go on sale again? :-)