Current Release Level

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Current Release Level

Postby bains » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:30 am

I purchased OSMOS from Hemisphere. The executable is OsmosInstaller_1.6.0.exe.

I saved the purchase email. Using the "M" button I can see the Options, Achievements, and Credits screen. No version number is listed.

I have a new computer and am installing all of my software so might as well install the most recent.

Using the earlier email link I located the download page and there are two Windows versions offered

What is the difference and is there a platform dependance i.e. does one require a touch type interface on the screen?

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Re: Current Release Level

Postby eddybox » Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:06 am

Install OsmosInstaller, unless you have a touchscreen on your new computer, in which case you probably want to install Osmos-Multi-Installer. (The latter doesn't require a touchscreen, but it supports it.)


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