Osmos Support

Feedback and support for the PC version of Osmos
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby efin » Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:21 am

Hi there. I'm having a problem with the new GFWL version. The achievements aren't unlocking at all when in offline mode, and then when I logged in while online, my game had none of the progress that I had made. Any help would be super.

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby eddybox » Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:48 pm

Hi efin,

That's not a bug unfortunately, it's the way GFWL works. Any progress made while offline doesn't count towards achievements or your online progress. (The game will tell you this when starting to play offline.)
We actually had to make changes to Osmos to make sure we conformed to Microsoft's requirement on this.
I guess the moral of the story for GFWL is: play online.


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Dyram » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:47 pm

Hello! I had heard about Osmos coming to GFWL, so I tried out the Steam demo. I loved the game and was left wanting more. So patiently, I waited for the game to finally hit GWFL (get that gamerscore!), and today I finally bought it. One problem, though, I found a bug!

Well before I bought and installed the GFWL full version, I deleted the Steam demo. Also deleted the settings folder in My Documents for the demo to make sure there were no conflicts. However, I don't think that this issue has much to do with the demo and full versions interacting. When I load the game, the graphics, logos, and sound load perfectly, as they did in the demo. GFWL also starts properly and I can go through the its wrapper without issue.

I dug into the files and looking through the log, I found this:

Code: Select all

Log opened on Wed Dec 23 18:28:13 2009
Commandline: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hemisphere Games\Osmos\osmos.exe
using exepath as base: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hemisphere Games\Osmos\"
Preinitializing game: GFWL version 1.5.8 1175
Localization: using language "en"
Localization: loaded Osmos-en.loc
Arch: AMD64 (4 phys, 4 log)
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 (build 7100), 64bit
using sound
showing splash
Creating window...
PC running with 1 monitors
Current res of primary display: 1680 x 1050
Attempting fullscreen mode
Using fullscreen mode: 1680 x 1050, 32 bpp
not using vsync
Initializing D3DRenderDevice...
Getting D3D device list
Found 1 devices:
  Device 0: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX (nvd3dum.dll)
Initializing game
Initializing D3DRenderer...
Loading textures
Loading fonts
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
WARNING: error loading font file fonts\FortuneCity.ttf
Backed up stats to Stats\Backup\Osmos_Dec_23_2009_0003.sta
Initializing SoundSystem...
Initializing OpenAL
Getting OpenAL device list
analyzing device SB X-Fi Audio [EC00]
analyzing device Generic Software
Found 2 devices:
  Device 1: SB X-Fi Audio [EC00] (DEFAULT)
  Device 2: Generic Software
Using and opening 1: "Generic Software"...
Creating OpenAL context
ALFWInitOpenAL opened device "Generic Software"
Device supports maximum 256 sources
streaming music
Loading pre-splash sounds
Loading post-splash sounds
App exiting -- bye!
App exiting -- bye!
Writing config to Config.cfg
Deinitializing SoundSystem
Unitializing sound
Destroying window...
Deinitializing D3DRenderDevice...
Log closed on Wed Dec 23 18:28:41 2009

I checked the installation folder of the game and 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Hemisphere Games\Osmos\fonts\FortuneCity.ttf' does in fact exist. I even tried installing it to Windows to see if that would help, but no dice (cool font to write documents with, though). I've even gone through a last ditch effort and named it 'FortuneCity.ttf' (which, with the extensions hidden, means it is actually named 'FortuneCity.ttf.ttf").

So... How do we fix this?

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby eddybox » Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:15 pm

Hi Dyram,

Bizarro. This is the first time we've had a font loading issue, GFWL or otherwise. Sounds like you've done everything right though...

I just purchased Osmos on GFWL as though I were a regular customer (in order to do a proper test), and it works fine for me, font loading and all.

Maybe the font file got corrupted during download. (Though it does work for you in other programs... hmmmm.) Still, could you try the following please?
- download and install the standalone demo (http://hemispheregames.com/latest_osmos_demo), or the Steam demo if you prefer.
- rename the fonts directory in your GFWL installation, and copy the fonts directory over from the demo (Program Files\Osmos\fonts\)

I'm not sure what else it could be offhand, since it seems like the .exe is loading the other files (in Textures and sounds) correctly.

Let us know how that goes please.


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Dyram » Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:13 pm

eddybox wrote:Hi Dyram,

Bizarro. This is the first time we've had a font loading issue, GFWL or otherwise. Sounds like you've done everything right though...

Yes, well, I have a habit of breaking things... =) Spending most of your life around video games and computers, and having experience working with code has its advantages when things like this happen.

eddybox wrote:I just purchased Osmos on GFWL as though I were a regular customer (in order to do a proper test), and it works fine for me, font loading and all.

Aww... bugger. Well, I suppose that's good news for you guys since it's not so widespread.

eddybox wrote:Maybe the font file got corrupted during download. (Though it does work for you in other programs... hmmmm.) Still, could you try the following please?
- download and install the standalone demo (http://hemispheregames.com/latest_osmos_demo), or the Steam demo if you prefer.
- rename the fonts directory in your GFWL installation, and copy the fonts directory over from the demo (Program Files\Osmos\fonts\)

Following the first time this happened, I tried playing with fullscreen and windowed and then also redownloaded and installed from GFWL. This was before I discovered the error in the log.

I did as you suggested, simply renaming the GFWL's installation fonts folder to 'fonts.old' and then copying in the new fonts folder directly from the demo's root path. Before doing this, I also tried the demo just to make sure it would work there and it did, flawlessly. Before I bought the game, the Steam demo had been fine, too. Absolutely no issues.

eddybox wrote:I'm not sure what else it could be offhand, since it seems like the .exe is loading the other files (in Textures and sounds) correctly.

Yes, it should seem so. I tried remembering each level of the tutorial from the demo and blindly stumbled my way through them in the full game and got myself my first achievement. Just had to mash the Spacebar and LMB until I could move in each level. ^_^

It's very strange indeed. The font does work in programs like Word, and it's very clearly properly named and in the correct place. When the game loads, as I've said, it's just the text in that font that isn't there. In the menus, the opaque black bar comes up, but the text that should be there is just missing. During gameplay levels, the messages that come up before a level, as they do in the tutorial, either show that opaque box or no box at all and I have to keep hitting Spacebar until I pass them all and get to gameplay.

At this point, since the game is still technically playable, I'm really just intrigued as to what's causing the error. Being in programming myself, I would love to figure this thing out, as it seems to be a unique scenario.

By the way, I'm running Windows 7 x64 (RC). Yes, I know, the RC is old and the full version is out... Maybe now that I have a short Christmas break, I will finally get around to actually installing my retail copy. Who knows, maybe the drive format will fix this issue? In any case, I don't think it is the operating system since the demo, both from this site and Steam, works flawlessly, but I figured it might help. I highly doubt it's a rights issue, as I'm the only account on the system with admin status and all of Windows' privilege-limiters turned off (no UAC, in other words).

I hope we can figure this out together. I very much like the game and would like to play it to its fullest.

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby efin » Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:30 pm

eddybox wrote:Hi efin,

That's not a bug unfortunately, it's the way GFWL works. Any progress made while offline doesn't count towards achievements or your online progress. (The game will tell you this when starting to play offline.)
We actually had to make changes to Osmos to make sure we conformed to Microsoft's requirement on this.
I guess the moral of the story for GFWL is: play online.


While I have occasionally had issues with saves between offline and online (especially since GWFL 3 came out), I can tell you that you're mistaken about the achievements. GFWL has allowed offline achievements since something like version 1.2. If you take a moment to view my Live profile (my gamertag is Cagmin), you can easily see what I mean. The best example would be to look at Batman. You can see how some have a date under them, while others don't. The ones that do are the ones I got while online, and the offline ones don't have a date.

Also, if someone could convince MS to make a "minimal mode" or something for Live so that only achievements/online status/messaging or whatever could get through over standard internet ports, then I would love to be able to do that. Unfortunately, I am stuck behind a very restrictive firewall for roughly 90% of my gametime, so I can't even log in.

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby eddybox » Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:54 pm

Hi Dyram,

I was going to start troubleshooting this with our contacts at Microsoft, but the fact that you're running an RC will pretty much end that story. Thay aren't supporting it. I should also mention that during development I was running an RC of Win7, and it caused some *very* strange, unsolvable problems sometimes (even with help from Microsoft support), and required a several reinstalls. So... I suspect that troubleshooting this one may be like chasing ghosts. And since you're planning to install the retail version of Win7 anyways, let's wait and see what happens. Please let us know if it occurs with the retail version though!

Thanks, (and happy holidays,)

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby eddybox » Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:00 pm

Hi efin,

Well, it might not be enforced by the GFWL infrastructure, but it was one of our certification requirements for Osmos on GFWL. We actually did some back and forth with them on this point until they were satisfied that this "hole" was closed. I suspect the same will be true of new and future titles... :?

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:21 am

Hi Dyram,

The problem you're running into is a bug in how RCs of Win7 set the app working directory.

The game will likely run fine if you launch osmos.exe directly from the Osmos install directory. In your case, open windows explorer or a command line, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Hemisphere Games\Osmos\ and run osmos.exe from there.


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Ceroij » Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:37 pm

I had an issue but i fixed it by installing the special drivers in the faq

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