Osmos Rage: Don't go overboard...

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Osmos Rage: Don't go overboard...

Postby charstar » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:26 pm

Dear MoteMasters,

Regarding the Osmos Rage posts, I think the analysis is correct that the current videos/trailers do tend to play up the chilled-out aspect of the game while not letting on that it is after all a puzzle game and it can get quite tricky. Also, I think it's awesome that you guys decided to tune up the difficulty progression a bit (not that I had a problem with it). That said, please don't go overboard. Osmos is _fantastic_ so please don't apologize too much. Some of the later levels were terribly vexing, but that's what kept me playing! Who are these wussies who keep complaining anyway?? 8-) What's the point of being able to plow through a game in a day or less and then have nothing else to do with it but toss it aside? While the aesthetics are quite advanced in Osmos, the game play hit a bit of an 8-bit nostalgic spot; it gave me just the right number of holy-freaking-crap-this-is-hard moments.

Osmos is awesome. These wussy motes just need to toughen up a bit.

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Re: Osmos Rage: Don't go overboard...

Postby eddybox » Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:31 pm

Heh, thanks a lot for the positive feedback charstar! I think we've hit a nice balance now as well, and just wanted to "give back" to people who are still finding it overly frustrating. But we can laugh at ourselves, and hopefully the "Osmos Rage" videos will be as much fun for us to watch as it is for the "wussy motes" to make. ;-)


ps. Feel free to copy-paste this as a comment on the blog. It's starting to feel a little lonely over there...

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