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Time control is way too fickle

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:59 am
by hukka
Single press takes the time slider half way up or down. Long press for a short time takes it just a little, but press a fraction of second too long and the time moves to the other end of the slider.

I just failed a level for the tenth time because I was getting too fed up waiting for things to happen, tried to speed things up a _bit_ and again accidentally setting the game for highest speed and crashing to an attractor before having enough time to slow down again and avoid the collision.

I'd much prefer a slow _linear_ speeding up and accelerating speed down. Now it's strongly accelerating to both directions which is just plain frustrating.

Re: Time control is way too fickle

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:07 pm
by achurch
You can control time in increments with Ctrl + mouse wheel.