Osmos Feedback

Feedback and support for the PC version of Osmos
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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby TimA » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:21 pm

Hi Eddy,

I just purchased the game on Steam (two actually, I ended up buying one for a friend I was so impressed). I registered here just to thank the developers.

I'm only a few levels in, and my mind is blown. Absolutely incredible game, I can't fault it in any way (though of course additions will only improve). The visuals and soundtrack are perfect, the "puzzles" are superb. I'm currently playing with the Epicycles levels, and this is what made me love the game. I'm conducting Hohmann transfers! This is just a pure delight for me. (Yep I'm a massive geek, haha).

Once again, thank you all so much! I adore it.


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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby bmn » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:33 pm

TimA wrote:Hi Eddy,

I just purchased the game on Steam (two actually, I ended up buying one for a friend I was so impressed). I registered here just to thank the developers.

I'm only a few levels in, and my mind is blown. Absolutely incredible game, I can't fault it in any way (though of course additions will only improve). The visuals and soundtrack are perfect, the "puzzles" are superb. I'm currently playing with the Epicycles levels, and this is what made me love the game. I'm conducting Hohmann transfers! This is just a pure delight for me. (Yep I'm a massive geek, haha).

Once again, thank you all so much! I adore it.


Yeah I'm stuck on those levels. Orbital transfers are very tricky. Maybe if I had an hour to sit down and do the math :)

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby cornario » Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:15 pm

Playing for a while (it's great!!) and it's time to go to work :cry:
1thing for me is when save a screenshots (with F10), it saved as .tga files and can't be opened with windows Picture and Fax Viewer, nor my manga reader :lol: . So I have to convert it to something else. Print screen works just fine though.

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby ryandaniels » Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:43 pm

Well, I bought my release copy, deleted my beta .sta file and did a speed run of osmos, 1.8 hours.

So I'd like to reissue my earlier statement regarding the 6-8 hours. I tend to really stop and smell the roses when I play through a game the first time, so a more realistic average time would probably be 4-6 hours.

However, earlier you asked me whether I came back and played osmos after beating it, and I can definitely say yes, I've probably doubled my initial playthrough time solely by coming back and playing the forever levels whenever I feel like relaxing.

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby saaaammmmm » Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:09 pm

I find on the more difficult levels that it is hard to get my bearings. It is hard to find your player in the clutter. It could be nice for a second or so at start up to have your mote shimmer so you can easily locate it. Its not game breaking or that big a deal, but it would give the lead in a more polished feel.

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby Tsukasa » Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:29 am

This game is unfairly hard. You start out with a too easy, but indeed chilling, difficulty and then you come to the last chapters and suddenly its difficulty is 4000% higher. Especially F3A und F3C are impossible to master, wihle F3B is masterable but only by luck.

I am a little disappointed because I expected it to be chilling (like the previous levels, they were really good) and now I can't even complete the game. I am playing Osmos since 12 hours now, 8 of that trying to beat those annoying last levels.

I'd like to suggest you adjust the difficulty in a patch so it matches the rest of the game, so people can complete the game. I was really hoping to see what surprises are in store as bonus content and was looking forward to play it, but it can't be done.

Thank you

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby lordnikon » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:23 am

I've been waiting for Osmos with great anticipation since first playing the demo on Steam, and I have to say i'm really chuffed with my purchase of what is a truly stunning game - flawless even! Top marks! :D :D :D

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby spamalot » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:39 pm

Well guys, you did a good job. I'm loving the game. Ever since I discovered the first rudimentary orbital simulations (like the planet simulator mentioned in another thread or gravity by gasgames) I wanted to do more stuff with gravity. Here's my flimsy and buggy try at gravity in flash from a few years ago:
http://www.deisng-student.de/games/deflector (apply gravity with your mouse arrow and dont let the planet hit anything).

I love the orbital prediction! Makes it much more easy to steer around.

Of course I have to say I want multiplayer functionality :)
Apart from that a sandbox mode where you can adjust the variables for level generation would be tons of fun.

I have no clue how much power the gravitational calculations pull from the CPU, but is it possible to make levels where all the objects attrackt each other by gravity?

Keep up the good work. Maybe do a Wii or PSP version also? :)

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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby Gerk » Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:32 pm

That is the fixed link for above.

Hi Eddy,

I have to say I was very optimistic when I saw your game. I think it's priced fairly and I am happy with my purchase. Initially I was extremely happy to play this. However, I felt that there was an element to your game which would really take Osmos to a whole new level. I saw the "mobe" as you call it as almost like a quirk, trying to find an atom. If Osmos managed to "scale" through a real life factor (ie, quirk to atom, atom to molecule, molecule to cell, cell to body, body to planet, etc.,) then there would be a huge increase in depth and replayability. I would literally spend hours trying to become the largest free-flying body in the universe.

I understand this would definitely add a lot of work for you to do that. I would For Sure be willing to pay even more for a product like this.

Oh yeah, and if you happen like the idea of hundreds of people competing against each other with your game... Feel free to send a multiplayer update our way. We'd sure love that.
Kind regards,


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Re: Osmos Feedback

Postby HoosTrax » Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:41 pm

Tsukasa wrote:This game is unfairly hard. You start out with a too easy, but indeed chilling, difficulty and then you come to the last chapters and suddenly its difficulty is 4000% higher. Especially F3A und F3C are impossible to master, wihle F3B is masterable but only by luck.

I am a little disappointed because I expected it to be chilling (like the previous levels, they were really good) and now I can't even complete the game. I am playing Osmos since 12 hours now, 8 of that trying to beat those annoying last levels.

I'd like to suggest you adjust the difficulty in a patch so it matches the rest of the game, so people can complete the game. I was really hoping to see what surprises are in store as bonus content and was looking forward to play it, but it can't be done.

Thank you

Agree completely with the bolded part.

I got through all of the levels except F3A-3, F3B-3, and F3C-3 with some thinking and trail + error. Those three levels I just listed, on the other hand, are just rage-quit inducing and not even remotely relaxing or fun. The first and second parts of each chapter were thought-provoking and had the right degree of challenge. The third part is just same concept, but taken to a extreme difficulty or minutiae level. It's hard to imagine that onerous level of difficulty/precision appealing to anyone other than astronomy or physics buffs.

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