Windows 7

Feedback and support for the PC version of Osmos
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Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:39 am

Re: Windows 7

Postby Moulax » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:41 am

Great idea the trick consisting of inactivating devices !
It worked for me. But I think this is more related to something else because I did not removed all of them but one. If you look at he log below, there are still two devices : "Speakers" and "Generic Software". The thing is that I had reset the default device using the configuration panel : Config panel / Harware and Audio / Manage audio devices. Remove unused devices, and set the default here. This may have told openAL drivers to use that one prior the Generic Software ? Difficult to reproduce...

"Funny" part :
Now the game crashes AFTER having played with it ... :mrgreen:
When I click "Exit" it then crashes rather than exiting properly. I have to open the task manager and kill it.
BUT: I can enjoy the soundtrack ... 8-)

Many thanks and best regards !



Log file :
Log opened on Tue Aug 25 20:04:44 2009
Commandline: d:\win32app\steam\steamapps\common\osmos\Osmos.exe
Preinitializing game
Localization: using language "en"
Localization: loaded Osmos-en.loc
using sound
showing splash
not using cloud
Creating window...
PC running with 1 monitors
Current res of primary display: 1920 x 1200
Attempting fullscreen mode
Using fullscreen mode: 1920 x 1200, 32 bpp
Initializing GLRenderDevice...
OpenGL version: 3.1.0
Initializing game
Initializing renderer
Loading textures
Loading fonts
WARNING: Invalid score file Stats\LocalPlayer.sco version number 1
Backed up stats to Stats\Backup\Osmos_Aug_25_2009_0001.sta
machine bigEndian-ness = 0, stats file bigEndian-ness = 0, flipping = 0
not using vsync
Initializing SoundSystem...
Initializing OpenAL
Getting OpenAL device list
Found 2 devices:
Device 1. Speakers (SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio) (DEFAULT)
Device 2. Generic Software
Using and opening 0: "Speakers (SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio)"...
Creating OpenAL context
ALFWInitOpenAL opened device "Speakers (SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio)"
WARNING: Error generating OpenAL sources: err = 1
Loading pre-splash sounds
Loading post-splash sounds
Received stats and achievements from Steam
... A LOT OF :
WARNING: PlayBuffer: can't attach bufer to source: 1
App exiting -- bye!
Writing config to Config.cfg
Deinitializing SoundSystem
Unitializing sound

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Meal Worms
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Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:22 pm
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Re: Windows 7

Postby Meal Worms » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:41 pm

Thanks for your post Moulax. I made a change in the update to select the 'default' sound device rather than always choosing the software device, and it looks like there is still a glitch or two. Glad to hear, though, that things are working for you.

Enjoy the game!

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Joined: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:30 am
Location: Leipzig, Germany

Re: Windows 7

Postby hambol » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:20 am

I was having problems with Osmos on my Laptop using a Mobility Radeon HD 4570 + Win7. The game was running extremly slowly, the sound was ok though, although I was using the latest official ATI driver.
I found some alternative drivers that solved the problem for me. They're called DNA drivers and seem to be unoficial updates of the official drivers for desktop graphics cards that support Mobility Radeons too.
Altough the 'official' website seems to be down atm other sites offer downloads. Version 9.4 seems to be the latest one.

So if you're using a Mobility Radeon and having problems, go check out those DNA drivers.. Worked for me anyway :D

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